Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Exercise: What is your working process?

Exercise - What's your working process?

How would you describe your creative working process?


I would describe it as starting from the middle print.  I like to have an idea, then to do some research based on my idea.  The next step is usually making rough sketches and a spider-diagram if I need it.  I like to be creative as I go and not really plan a lot, just create and make some changes during the process.  If I like the illustration I can spend hours and hours on polishing it and making sure that it is correct.


I tend not to research too much to not be carried away and take too much influence from other artists.  I like keeping their ideas in my head; however I do not treat is as something I have to follow.  Of course if the research is about something that is factual then I will follow it to avoid making a massive mistake in my work.  I also like to do research during my work if I need it, when I know that I have to support and broaden my knowledge with different information and someone else's opinion sometimes.


I tend to critique my work very often during the creative process; however I don't tend to document the questions I am asking myself as I go along.  I just know when something doesn't look well then I tend to change that part of the illustration.  I have to admit that I am terrible with managing the time at the moment.  I am currently pregnant and gathering my strength is very difficult especially when my toddler is running around.  I know it would be so much easier for me to go to a studio and spend some solid time on creating and developing ideas; in a place where there are no domestic distractions, a place where I can work during the day, rather than at the end of the day when all I would like to do is sit down with a mug of Horlicks.



I think my strong points are developing an idea very quickly, however I tend to change the final illustration a few times which can mean it looks a bit different from the original idea.  I think I would like to develop a different approach to my work.  I tend to work quickly at the beginning but I can sometimes get bored during the documenting of my approach and the writing of my blog, as I am a person who likes to create but does not like having to talk about what I was thinking during the creative process.  I like to leave a space for the audience to make up their own mind about the artwork.  I know this is the process in which I will be working for clients as they need to be updated with most changes; therefore I have to work on this area of my study in the future.

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