Tuesday 27 January 2015

Exercise: Draw, draw and draw again

1) Draw  what's in the photograph- Try to record all the information from the photograph in your drawing


There is an excellent picture for this exercise on my computer and it has everything I need to practice my drawing skills. It has perspective, as well as some movements between the dog and two characters and it also has sht. going on in the background.  

I did record everything that is important and it took me about 15minutes to do it. As it is only a sketch therefore I did not go into big details.

2) Now, draw it second time but do it quicker only with the most important information.


It is amazing how brain works differently when it has to focus on the most important parts of the picture. And it is not an easy thing to tell yourself to capture only a small part of the information. I did have to stop myself from overdoing this sketch. Did I do it well enough? I hope so. 

3) put the original photograph away and draw it again using your memory and the other drawings. 

I did like that part of the exercise as I was freer to create my own illustration. As far I can see I draw similar drawing to the first one but the line is looser and relax. I had a guideline with the most important notes of the subject I was drawing; however I did not have to stick so much to it. I like it as I had to talk about this picture with myself to make it work.

4) Finally, draw it again, this time with no reference material at all.

This time I created a sketch totally free and relaxed as I had only my memory as a guideline. It was quite new experience for me as I usually draw something from a picture or direct observation. I knew that I do not need to be so strict with make it so real therefore the lines look like it is a caricature. This is how I think when I look on that picture and compare it with the rest drawings.
  I draw deliberately some parts bit different as I wanted to make a female character bit slimmer therefore her body is longer and thinner. I did remember how to draw some parts of that picture and it was much easier to make the changes as my hand did not think so hard where to fallow next. I do admit that working this way on the illustration by repeating the lines makes a different when I wanted to create my own drawing. My hand and mind was more confident in movements. I will use this technique again in my next projects.

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